In her new book, psychotherapist, author and mindset coach Kate Crocco, Thinking Like a Boss: Uncover and Overcome the Lies Holding You Back from Success shares practical ways to get rid of negative thinking and reach for new accomplishments. There are more than 11 million women-owned businesses in the United States, and Crocco wants to continue to help women identify the lies that they have been holding to that may be holding them back from success. In her new book, she combines her background as a therapist and real-life stories to help women move forward in business as well as in their personal lives.

I recently had the opportunity to speak with Kate Crocco about: why all moms should think like a boss, ways to recognize the fears holding you back from your dreams, and why as women and moms we should be more intentional in how we spend our time.

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The top 2 reasons people stay stuck … 1. They don’t ask for help (or don’t know where to look for it). 2. They don’t ask enough questions to know if the help is the RIGHT kind. I don’t want you to be in either of those boats. I want you to transform your business from the inside out, and I want you to be 100% sure this is the right help. That means the ball is in your court. The door is open. Now is the time to ask your questions! B-School (and 3 FREE months in my mastermind) closes its doors very, very soon. You need to know if it’s right for you or not. To do that you need all the information (and using my decision making worksheet from #thinkinglikeabossbook won’t hurt either). So the comments are open as are my DMs. Promise yourself you won’t watch the doors close wondering “what if.” Decide to know for sure if it’s a heck yes or a no before it decides for you. That’s empowerment and that’s where change begins to happen. Drop yours below. 👇🏼

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For Those Who Are Not Familiar With Your Brand, Can You Tell Our Readership About What Inspired You To Write Your Book?

I am first and foremost a mama of two little baby girls, and one is almost three, and the other is 16 months. I am a psychotherapist, and a confidence and mindset coach for female entrepreneurs. I started my own journey of becoming an entrepreneur five and a half years ago. I really started to dive into self-development. I began to understand myself as a person, and sort of my doubts and insecurities around business.

I was able to work through it pretty quickly, and then I began helping other social workers and psychologists open up their own private practices. I had a lot of people asking questions like, “How did you do it? How did you work through the fears of starting a business?” Because it’s actually not too difficult to open up a private practice. There’s not a ton of business skills that you need, but it’s more of the mindset that you really need the help with.

I started to coach some women around that. Then, I found that there were women who had many different businesses that were coming and asking the same questions. Like, “How do you deal with the struggles of entrepreneurship? How do you show up, and be visible online?” Because, we know that in order to have a business, you have to have that online visibility these days.

From Your Professional And Personal Experience, Why Should Every Mom Think Like A Boss?

Yes, I love that question. We need to be the boss of our lives in order for us to be happy, and for us to feel fulfilled. When a mom is happy, her family is also going to be happy. When we’re feeling stressed, when we’re feeling overwhelmed, when we’re feeling resentful towards our spouses or our children, we aren’t able to show up as our best selves. I think it’s so important that we take on that CEO role as moms.

Whether we have a business, or are a stay-at-home mom, it’s important to really understand what it is that we want as women, and what it is that we want as a mom. We must find ways to get there. The number one thing that I think is important for moms in order to be that boss of your life is, you have to really learn to say “No”. You have to learn to set boundaries, and I think that’s what’s really important.

What Would You Say To The Moms Who May Be Hiding Behind Motherhood, And How Can They Learn To Recognize These Fears And Overcome Them?

I think it’s really exhausting when we have to sort of put that persona on, or sort of hide behind it. I think it’s freeing when we can just come out and have conversations with other moms that are going to point us in the right direction. Yes, motherhood is overwhelming, but if we have the right support around us, we can start to feel better and we can start to feel understood without needing that glass of wine. I think it’s important that we try to really harness community.

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Want to cash in on what the experts know? — This is your chance. — I’ll be featured in a brand NEW business series (by my friend @linaescamilla) that unveils specific strategies, systems and growth hacks that me and 40 wildly successful business owners used to scale our businesses over 5x!! I’m gifting YOU a front row seat! You’ll get to hear first hand about: The mistakes that held us back on our way to the top — so you can AVOID them like the plague! The entrepreneur foundation that is necessary —and not a lot of people talk about — in order to not only grow your business but to sustain that growth and your own well-being along the way Our secrets for hitting the 6 and (in some cases) 7-figure dollar mark… Specific strategies and systems that have catapulted our business growth 5x!! Watch now!! It’s only available for a few days. Head to the link in my bio to watch!

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Are There Any Symptoms That You Identify As A Psychotherapist To Help Your Clients Recognize Their Fears, And Can You Offer A Way To Tackle Them?

A way to recognize your fear is to acknowledge what you are avoiding. Ask yourself that question. I think that when we put things off, it’s because we’re afraid of whatever that outcome might be. Rather than really learn to speak up for ourselves, we just avoid. I think that it’s easier to do that.

What Would You Say To Women And Moms About What To Give Their Time And Space To, And What Not To Give Their Time And Space To?

First, I think it’s asking ourselves what do we really want? What lights you up? What makes you happy? And then setting those boundaries and parameters. Ask yourself, “If I were to say yes to this thing, is it taking me away from my family, or my kids, and is it really worth it?” And that’s a question I ask myself all the time now.

Before having kids, it was easier to say yes to things, because I had more time. But now, if I say yes to a coffee date with someone that maybe I really don’t want to be friends with anymore, that’s just taking time away from my family. I think it’s really about learning to be intentional with your time and figuring out what it is that you truly and deeply desire, and to stop saying yes to things just to please other people.

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When I wrote #ThinkingLikeABoss I never could have imagined that two weeks into book launch a pandemic would break out and completely change the way we do business and see the world🤦🏻‍♀️ I knew that this book was needed to address the lies we tell ourselves in business, but never realized HOW MUCH these lies would cripple even more people through the climate of our current circumstances. I get that this may feel scary, living in uncertainty, but what I do know for certain, is that WE WILL WALK AWAY STRONGER THAN BEFORE🙏🏼 If you can grab hold of each of the principles of this book and apply them to your life, you will receive hope, self trust, and an assurance that life is happening FOR you right now. Books were restocked on Amazon🎉🎉So go and grab your today. And ps we are ALL in this together💗

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Now In The Context Of Starting A Business Or Even Just Being A Boss, What Would You Say To Women And Moms Who Use Their Finances Or Their Current Situation As A Barrier To Just Getting Starting In Business Or With A New Goal?

I think we look at a business and we look at all of the expenses of a business and we think, I need 100,000 dollars to get started. Your business doesn’t have to get started that way. Use the resources you have in front of you right now, and one of the best resources to get started with is the internet. It’s free to start Googling.

That’s how I started my first business. I was a very broke social worker. I didn’t have money to just spend. I started to look for resources. So, start your business that way. There are plenty of contacts. There are free guides and blog posts, and tons of free content on the internet that you can start to download.

What’s One Thing That A Mom Can Start Right Now To Begin Thinking Like A Boss?

I would say to quit waiting for all of the signs to start feeling more ready to start having more time to begin, and to stop waiting for friends, family, and everyone to be on board. Just start making decisions based off of what you want, and what you feel is best for you.

Is There Any Motivation That You Would Like To Share With Our Readership?

A little mantra that I love to say, especially for moms is, “Today’s the most time that I’ll ever have.” Today’s the most time that you will have. We always think that in the future, life is going to get easier. And just accepting that I think it’s freeing, and it sort of pushes you to just get started today.

Learn more about author, Kate Krocco on here website:

This interview by Lynnette Nicholas was originally published on on March 16, 2020.